You Kick curl up nock to add a little more bend -- literally. Kinky locked super beautiful and absolutely feminine. There is a metric ton ways to bend and curl your hair, then you whip braid into one of the number of style looks.
Big, be loose Curly
Try big, beautiful, be loose full lace wigs to complete twist you. Part your hair at before mengikalnya in some parts using curling iron great per barrel hair. Pin every curl, rolling into a "yes" shape and bobby-pinning in place. After you have curly hair cold, amf bowling pin. One part extracted hair from a part in the coastline hair and loose bend again, pinning in place.
Retro bend
rumored in the same way is retro by sports flip up their curly hair. Part your hair in side effects. One part extracted hair in all parts of the smaller and distorted back, holding with bobby pins. Then, take one part of hair dryer in line at the other side of the you and turning it over with small and medium-sized enterprises-barrel iron, depending on long hair. You will want to make a very tight curly hair that flies stretching and roll and inward. Try style with your hair straight or curl the remnants of the locks.
Add Some Volume
try voluminous bend to make your style even more dramatic. Start by applying texturizer strands over you. Next, part your hair on the side and distorted one part in all parts of from your head, pinning in place. The curly hair style with medium-per barrel iron and fond of tease him it were a little at the roots. Complete with human hair extensions.
Kinky Bun
up-va-va-voom factors to try a curly French twist. Ringlet-your hair part with small curling iron-barrel, holding iron vertically to create curl. After your hair is curled tongues, wet skin this time with hairspray. To complete with how to attract hair back to his neck neck, he and wrapping to the "by women spies). password". Our secure with bobby pins.