
Protect your hair this hot summer

    Instead of stressing about your hair this summer, take a few preventative measures to ensure that your hair’s health stays strong so that you can focus on having fuss-free fun in the sun. Color-treated hair tends to suffer the most from the summer elements like the sun, salt water, and chlorinated pools. You can also show off your coif by protecting it as opposed to concealing it. More than exposure, one major issue when it comes to summertime activities is having to blow dry and style hair after. When the hair is dirty you can just spray the roots, comb though and the dry shampoo picks up any oil or sweat. You can go 3 or 4 days without washing your hair. Especially if you have extensions, dry shampoo will save you! The best thing about having extensions is the natural wave to the hair. Allowing the extensions to air dry is an easy way to embody that simply pretty beachy look. Anything to avoid having to blow dry your hair in the summer heat is the best!

